SAN DIEGO, CA—August 15, 2022—The Ken Blanchard Companies®, a global leader in management training, consulting, and coaching, was named the winner of a Silver Stevie® Award for Best New Product of the Year in the 19th Annual International Business Awards® today.
The Conversational Capacity® course won Best New Product of the Year in the Business-to-Business category. The course teaches people how to engage in constructive, learning-focused dialogue when challenging topics or conflicts arise, so they can make informed decisions and find the best solutions, even under high pressure. That’s where difficult exchanges turn into learning opportunities and unfocused meetings become innovation incubators.
“We spent almost two years working with Craig Weber designing engaging learning experiences to bring his Conversational Capacity model to our clients,” said Jay Campbell, Chief Product Officer with The Ken Blanchard Companies. “While there are other conversation skills programs out there, nothing is as simple and powerful as Conversational Capacity. The twin forces of candor and curiosity are helping Blanchard clients across seniority levels and industries. We’re so proud to win this Silver Stevie® Award for Best New Product of the Year.”
Craig Weber, author of the book Conversational Capacity and course design team member, adds, “I am thrilled to see The Ken Blanchard Companies’ Conversational Capacity course win this award. The course is designed to help people perform more effectively under pressure and build healthier organizations, teams, and work relationships. It’s wonderful to see it recognized in this way.”
As one judge stated, the course “…addresses a #1 ongoing business challenge. The world needs more of what this offers.”
About The Ken Blanchard Companies®
The Ken Blanchard Companies is a global leader in management training, consulting, and coaching. For more than 40 years, Blanchard has been helping organizations develop inspired leaders at all levels and create cultures of connection that unleash talent and deliver extraordinary results. Blanchard’s SLII® powers inspired leaders and is the leadership model of choice for more than 10,000 organizations worldwide. Blanchard also offers a suite of other award-winning leadership development solutions through flexible delivery modalities to meet the specific needs of its clients. Learn more at
About the Stevie® Awards
Stevie Awards are conferred in eight programs: the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, the German Stevie Awards, the Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards, The American Business Awards®, The International Business Awards®, the Stevie Awards for Women in Business, the Stevie Awards for Great Employers, and the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service. Stevie Awards competitions receive more than 12,000 nominations each year from organizations in more than 70 nations. Honoring organizations of all types and sizes and the people behind them, the Stevies recognize outstanding performances in the workplace worldwide. Learn more about the Stevie Awards at
Media Contact
Vicki Stanford
The Ken Blanchard Companies
Ionela Moldovan
Training and Development Manager (2011 - prezent) / Orange Romania"Orange Romania colaboreaza cu Human Invest din anul 2008 in vederea dezvoltarii de competente manageriale si de leadership. lnterventiile de invatare au avut un succes dovedit, acesta din urma nefiind bazat exclusiv pe reactia initiala participantilor, ci si pe impactul in performanta organizatiei, respectiv masura in care cunostintele devin competente care sustin obiective de business. Pentru Orange Romania, Human Invest este mai mult decat un furnizor de training, este un partener dispus sa contribuie cu valoare adaugata inainte, in timpul si dupa interventia de invatare.”
Violeta Cartis
Training Manager / Celestica Romania“In parteneriat cu Human Invest, Celestica Romania inceput in 2010 un program de dezvoltare a competentelor manageriale adresat managerilor, team leaderilor si specialistilor cu potential de dezvoltare. Recomandam compania Human Invest, deoarece ne este si in prezent un partener de incredere pentru construirea si dezvoltarea de programe de formare profesionala si organizationala."
Radu Perianu
Comercial Director / Synevo Romania & SEE“Relatia de parteneriat cu Human Invest este construita in timp si am apreciat tot timpul calitatea programelor oferite, cat si abordarea profesionista din timpul sesiunilor. Consideram ca SLII este un program de baza, practic si util in procesele manageriale unu-la-unu.”
Corina Petcu
HR Business Partner / NN„Apreciem la Human Invest calitatea metodologiei propuse, intelegerea si adaptarea la contextul si nevoile colegilor din program, flexibilitatea, orientarea catre gasirea celor mai bune solutii.”
Viorica Pacurar
Director National de Vanzari / NN„Pe tot parcursul initiativelor desfasurate impreuna, am apreciat foarte mult relatia de parteneriat si implicarea Human Invest pentru a intelege cat mai bine contextul in care ne gasim noi ca echipa, inainte de fiecare interactiune, asa incat sa plieze programul pe specificul si nevoile noastre.”
Georgiana Dragnea
Human Resources Specialist / WIRTEK„Leadership Academy a reprezentat o ocazie buna pentru ca multi dintre colegii nostri sa aiba acces la informatii interesante, pe de o parte, iar pe de alta, sa isi consolideze comportamente sau sa isi traseze noi directii in stilul de leadership. Suportul echipei Human Invest, disponibilitatea lor si deschiderea de a adapta cursul pe nevoile noastre au fost foarte importante in aceasta calatorie de invatare.”
Alina Cimpean
Training Manager / Plexus Services Romania„Human Invest a implementat aceste programe de leadership cu un nivel inalt de profesionalism, fiind mereu orientati catre calitate si impact in procesul de invatare. Cursurile au fost percepute ca fiind foarte utile si practice, participantii apreciind continutul si structura informatiilor. In cadrul acestui parteneriat noi am apreciat experienta trainerilor, calitatea programelor folosite, flexibilitatea si capacitatea de a raspunde nevoilor noastre, cat si buna organizare a sesiunilor.”
Am urmat SLII alaturi de 12 colegi din echipa de management DWF si pot spune ca am perceput in mod direct beneficii majore. Apreciez stiul cald, prietenos, dar precis si profesionist, cu care Viorel ne-a transmis toate informatiile din program. Povestile si exemplele personale ne-au ajutat mult sa intelegem mai bine conceptele in discutie si au captat in mod eficient atentia intregului grup.
Diana Badea,
Acest program a ajutat managerii nostri sa inteleaga dezvoltarea echipelor sub forma unui parteneriat analizand fiecare etapa de dezvoltare si adresand-o diferit pentru a obtine impactul maxim, a adus cu adevarat un limbaj comun de leadership in organizatie! Am intalnit de-a lungul celor peste 5 ani de cand il sustinem in interiorul firmei manageri care au urmat programul in doua momente diferite din viata lor profesionala, si l-au descoperit diferit de la o etapa la alta. Pentru mine SLII® este un program din categoria “classic”: il trec la modul de training esential in curricula managerului si despre care cred ca si peste ani, avandu-l ca prilej de discutie in sala de curs va genera multe analize, exemple si invataturi.