Acreditarea online pentru programul The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ (EN)

Despre acreditare

Acreditarea online pentru programul Five Behaviors of a Cohesive TeamTM reprezinta un curs online care te va ajuta sa-ti imbogatesti abilitatile de consultant si de facilitator al acestui puternic program de dezvoltare a echipei, pentru a sprijini persoane talentate sa lucreze si sa formeze echipe extraordinare.

Acest curs te va sprijini sa obtii cunostintele, expertiza si increderea in utilizarea modelului Five Behaviors si a materialelor de curs corespunzatoare. Vei invata sa gestionezi momentele neasteptate si conversatiile provocatoare, iti vei dezvolta capacitatea de a facilita agenda: sa simti cand este oportun sa respecti pasii standard sau cand sa faci schimbari, cand e folositor sa lasi o dezbatere sa aiba loc sau cand sa o intrerupi.

De ce sa te acreditezi in cadrul acestui program?

  • Vei primi o acreditare valoroasa care are in spate peste 40 de ani de experienta si cercetari realizate de Wiley, cat si 200 de ani de excelenta in publishing.
  • Vei obtine cunostinte si expertiza cu privire la modelul construit de Patrick Lencioni, evaluarea, cu privire la evaluarea si rezultatele obtinute in profil, cat si strategii pentru a depasi posibile provocari in workshop-uri sau sesiuni de coaching.
  • Vei putea intelege strategii pentru a diagnostica nevoile specifice ale unui grup si pentru a adapta experienta de invatare pentru rezultate optime si de impact.
  • Participantii care detin acreditarea SHRM sunt eligibili sa obtina 15 credite de dezvoltare (professional development credits – PCDs) de la Society for Human Resource Management.

Rezultate asteptate

In urma acestei acreditari:

  • Vei avea un grad mai ridicat de incredere si competenta in livrarea de sesiuni folosind modelul The Five Behaviors in organizatia din care faci parte;
  • Iti vei imbogati experienta de facilitare;
  • Vei invata sa gestionezi momentele neasteptate si conversatiile provocatoare;
  • Vei primi un certificat de acreditare ca facilitator a programului The Five Behaviors dupa finalizarea cu succes a acestui curs.

Componentele programului

Acest program include:

  • 5 module saptamanale plus partea de pregatire (pre-work)
  • Sesiuni saptamanale de 90 de minute facilitate de traineri specializati
  • Studiu individual (3-4 ore pe saptamana)
  • Acces la resurse de invatare online
  • Acces la cartea in format electronic (eBook) „The Five Dysfunctions of a Team”

Acreditarea va fi acordata in urma finalizarii cursului Wiley si a trecerii cu succes a examenului de final. Acreditarea este valabila timp de 2 ani, moment la care va exista optiunea de a o reinnoi.

Ai optiunea de a alege intre acreditarea The Five Behaviors Powered by Everything DiSC® sau The Five Behaviors Powered by All TypesTM. Alege cursul care foloseste profilul pe care il vei folosi cel mai des in facilitarea programului The Five Behaviors. Oricum, acreditarea pe care o vei obtine prin acest curs te califica sa facilitezi acest program, indiferent de profilul de personalitate pe care il utilizezi. Acreditarea nu iti impune sa folosesti doar un anumit profil.

Fa primul pas pentru a-ti creste competenta si increderea in facilitarea cu succes la programului The Five Behaviors!

Date disponibile

Acesta este un curs online cu componente de invatare individuala si patru activitati virtuale live.


  • Acreditarea The Five Behaviors Powered by Everything DiSC®: 3 septembrie 2021 – 8 octombrie 2021
    • Inceperea programului: 3 septembrie
    • 10 septembrie – Sesiunea 1 – Introducerea modelului (5:00 pm – 6:30 pm*)
    • 17 septembrie – Sesiunea 2 – Construirea increderii (5:00 pm – 6:30 pm*)
    • 24 septembrie – Sesiunea 3 – Solutionarea conflictelor si cresterea angajamentului (5:00 pm – 6:30 pm*)
    • 1 octombrie – Sesiunea 4 – Asumarea responsabilitatii si orientarea catre rezultate (5:00 pm – 6:30 pm*)
    • 8 octombrie – Sesiunea 5 – Prezentarea proiectelor de catre participanti (5:00 pm – 6:30 pm*)

*ora locala Romania

Pentru a vedea cate locuri mai sunt disponibile la fiecare curs si pentru a va inregistra va rugam sa ne contactati la

Cerinte tehnice

Pentru a accesa acest curs online este necesar sa ai acces la un calculator sau laptop PC sau Mac (nu tableta sau smartphone) si la un telefon (fix sau mobil, nu VOIP). Browserele recomandate pentru a accesa cursul online si a finaliza activitatile incluse in program sunt:

  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Internet Explorer (versiunea 9 sau una mai noua)


Daca folosesti sistemul de operare Windows XP, iti recomandam sa folosesti Google Chrome sau Mozilla Firefox, avand in vedere ca Windows XP accepta doar Internet Explorer 8 sau versiuni mai vechi. Pentru mai multe detalii va rugam sa ne contactati la


Pretul pentru certificarea online este 2,105 Eur + TVA. Daca compania din care faci parte nu detine un kit de facilitare The Five Behaviors, acesta trebuie achizitionat separat inainte de inceperea cursului: 1,261 Eur + TVA.

Mai multe detalii

Conversational Capacity, Collaborative Online Course

Join us for this 5-week, collaborative online course to gain more influence and help your good ideas get the traction they deserve. Want to help your teams make smarter decisions and manage things like change in a more effective way?

Our Conversational Capacity® course teaches the awareness, mindset, and skillset you need to have constructive, learning-focused dialogue when challenging topics or conflicts arise. With the right tools, you can dramatically improve how you communicate, how you influence, and how you collaborate with, manage, and lead your team.


  • Find your voice – Understand and practice how to tackle challenging conversations with skill and openness.
  • Be a strong performer – Strengthen your problem-solving and decision-making capacity.
  • Balance team dynamics – Cultivate personal and team dynamics that are open, stable, and respectful.
  • Be agile – Adapt to changes in one-on-one or team discussions in a deliberate and healthy way while still being heard and hearing others.
  • Think clearly and quickly – Be sharp and agile during conversations and make sure everyone has a chance to be heard.
  • Have greater confidence – Be assured of your ability to handle difficult and stressful interactions with your direct reports, manager, team, or family members.
  • Unify your team – Help them communicate, gather around a shared goal, and get on the same page about what they want to achieve.



Your transformation happens in a collaborative, moderated class that takes place over five weeks. Self-directed learning blended with discussions, exercises, reflection, and offline assignments help you discover what you need to succeed. You will also network with your fellow learners and forge new connections during the live INSPIRE sessions. You will receive the following tools when you take the class:

  • Conversational Capacity At a Glance
  • Challenging Conversation Worksheet
  • Natural Tendencies Survey
  • Practice Curiosity and Candor Skillset Worksheets
  • Trigger Journal
  • My Action Plan Document
  • Videos by Craig Weber, the author of the best-selling book Conversational Capacity

The approximate time required to complete this self-paced online program is 10–12 hours, or approximately 2 hours per week. Each week you will spend 60 minutes completing coursework and activities, and 75 minutes attending a live virtual event led by Blanchard’s leadership experts. The virtual events are scheduled in two global-friendly time slots, so one is sure to fit your schedule. With the add-on of 1 month of Leadership Coaching, you will have 2 more hours of phone or virtual time with an expert Blanchard leadership coach, scheduled by you and your coach, and unlimited confidential communications.

Course Details

Week 1: Getting Started: The experience begins. You will meet your peers and support team. You will learn how to navigate the platform and find out how increasing your Conversational Capacity can help you reach your goals.

Week 2: Awareness: During the second week you will develop awareness of the two powerful, emotional reactions that limit your Conversational Capacity: Minimizing and Winning.

Week 3: Mindset: In the third week you will learn how to recognize your triggers and adopt a learning-focused mindset, so you can react in a balanced and intentional way—even under pressure.

Week 4: Skillset: During week four you will learn the skillset needed for practicing Conversational Capacity, which is all about balancing candor and curiosity.

Week 5: Application: In our final week together, you will practice using the skillset and learn how to apply all that you’ve learned to your personal Challenging Conversation.

After week 5, you can continue your journey by adding 1 month of Leadership Coaching (2 hours of phone or virtual time with our expert coaches and unlimited confidential communications) to further reinforce your learnings, define your goals, get expert feedback, and refine your detailed accountability plan.


Standard price: 229 USD/ pers

Group ticket (min 2 pers.) – 169 USD/ pers

Early Bird (sales ends on June 18) – 169 USD/ pers

Here you can read more details about this Conversational Capacity Collaborative Online Course.

For registration, contact your Human Invest dedicated consultant or use our contact page.

Self Leadership, Collaborative Online Course

Join us for this 6-week, online collaborative program to develop a self-starting mindset so you can take the reins, achieve your goals, and accelerate your development. You will learn the skillset to become an empowered self leader who is accountable, innovative, and productive.

Our Self Leadership course teaches you to become a proactive self-starter who knows how to ask for direction and support, solicit feedback, and sell your solutions. Being an empowered self leader is the key to a successful and gratifying career and delivers innate self-awareness that couldn’t be more important in today’s world.

We use spaced learning, emotional connections to your work and personal life, and opportunities to generate your own content and insights. Our approach brings Intrepid, an award-winning, innovative learning platform to help individuals learn and improve, and organizations transform and grow. Learners interact, engage, and solve problems together and with a Leadership Expert and a Community Manager.


  • Focus on Well-Being – Self leaders feel more positive about themselves and their jobs and have greater energy and less stress.
  • Increased Motivation – When self leaders proactively seek feedback, ask for input, get direction and support, and affect change, they also satisfy their psychological need for autonomy, relatedness, and competence.
  • Accelerated Development – Self leaders take control of their own development—they ask for the direction and support they need so they are able to move up the learning curve to mastery more quickly.
  • Higher Performance – Empowered self leaders are more engaged and committed, consistently work hard, and increase their performance level.
  • Personal Accountability – Self leaders don’t feel held accountable by others; they hold themselves accountable for achieving their goals.
  • Unleashed Innovation – Empowered self leaders know how to overcome challenges and constraints that limit their ability to solve problems, address challenges, and develop innovative solutions.


Your transformation happens in a collaborative, moderated class that takes place over six weeks. Self-directed learning blended with discussions, exercises, reflection, and offline assignments help you discover what you need to succeed (see here the design). You will also have the opportunity to network with your fellow learners and forge new connections. And you will receive the following tools when you take the class:

  • Self Leadership Self-Assessment
  • Self Leadership Manager Questionnaire
  • One on One Conversation Planner
  • Goals Planner
  • Conversation Starters
  • Diagnosing Reflection Tool
  • SLII® Mobile App
  • Points of Power Chart
  • Four Activation Checklists
  • Optional Add-on: Leadership Coaching

The approximate time required to complete this self-paced online program is 12 hours, or 2 hours per week. Each week you will spend 1 hour completing coursework and activities, and 1 hour attending a live virtual event led by Blanchard’s leadership experts.

The virtual events are scheduled at two global-friendly time slots, so one is sure to fit your schedule. With the add on of 1 month of Leadership Coaching, you will have an additional 2 hours of phone or virtual time with an expert Blanchard leadership coach, scheduled between you and your coach, and unlimited confidential communications.

Program Details

  • Week 1: The experience begins. You will meet your peers and support team, get introduced to the mindset and skillset of a self leader, complete a Self Leader Questionnaire to understand your own perceptions, and start challenging your own assumed constraints.
  • Week 2: Focus on setting clear and compelling goals. Learn how to craft smart, motivating, attainable, relevant, and trackable goals; and how to reframe and clarify poor goal statements.
  • Week 3: Discover how to diagnose your own development level on a goal or task. Dive into development levels and get access to the SLII® mobile app to help you diagnose on the fly.
  • Week 4: Learn matching: getting the leadership style YOU need. Explore the second critical mindset: being proactive, what it looks like in practice, and why it’s important.
  • Week 5: Learn how to identify and activate your points of power. Use the One on One Worksheet to plan for a One on One Conversation with your manager.
  • Week 6: Share the results from your One on One conversation with your manager and create an action plan for committing to the mindset and skillset of a self leader.


After week 6, you can continue your journey by adding on 1 month of Leadership Coaching (2 hours of phone or virtual time with our expert coaches and unlimited confidential communications) to further reinforce your learnings, define your goals, get expert feedback, and refine your detailed accountability plan.

Individuals who have earned this badge have completed the Self Leadership Online Collaborative Course (view infographic). They have demonstrated the mindset and skillset of a proactive self-starter and took control of their own development. They have increased personal accountability by overcoming constraints that limit their ability to solve problems, assessed competence and commitment on a specific goal or task and asked for the direction and support they need to attain mastery faster.


    • Standard price: 199 USD/ pers
    • Group ticket (min 2 pers.) – 149 USD/ pers
    • Early Bird (sales ends on June 4) – 169 USD/ pers

Here you can read more details about this Self Leadership Collaborative and Moderated Journey course.

For registration, contact your Human Invest dedicated consultant or use our contact page

Self Leadership Collaborative and Moderated Journey

Join us for this 6-week, online collaborative program to develop a self-starting mindset so you can take the reins, achieve your goals, and accelerate your development. You will learn the skillset to become an empowered self leader who is accountable, innovative, and productive.

Our Self Leadership course teaches you to become a proactive self-starter who knows how to ask for direction and support, solicit feedback, and sell your solutions. Being an empowered self leader is the key to a successful and gratifying career and delivers innate self-awareness that couldn’t be more important in today’s world.

We use spaced learning, emotional connections to your work and personal life, and opportunities to generate your own content and insights. Our approach brings Intrepid, an award-winning, innovative learning platform to help individuals learn and improve, and organizations transform and grow. Learners interact, engage, and solve problems together and with a Leadership Expert and a Community Manager.


  • Focus on Well-Being – Self leaders feel more positive about themselves and their jobs and have greater energy and less stress.
  • Increased Motivation – When self leaders proactively seek feedback, ask for input, get direction and support, and affect change, they also satisfy their psychological need for autonomy, relatedness, and competence.
  • Accelerated Development – Self leaders take control of their own development—they ask for the direction and support they need so they are able to move up the learning curve to mastery more quickly.
  • Higher Performance – Empowered self leaders are more engaged and committed, consistently work hard, and increase their performance level.
  • Personal Accountability – Self leaders don’t feel held accountable by others; they hold themselves accountable for achieving their goals.
  • Unleashed Innovation – Empowered self leaders know how to overcome challenges and constraints that limit their ability to solve problems, address challenges, and develop innovative solutions.


Your transformation happens in a collaborative, moderated class that takes place over six weeks. Self-directed learning blended with discussions, exercises, reflection, and offline assignments help you discover what you need to succeed. You will also have the opportunity to network with your fellow learners and forge new connections. And you will receive the following tools when you take the class:

  • Self Leadership Self-Assessment
  • Self Leadership Manager Questionnaire
  • One on One Conversation Planner
  • Goals Planner
  • Conversation Starters
  • Diagnosing Reflection Tool
  • SLII® Mobile App
  • Points of Power Chart
  • Four Activation Checklists
  • Optional Add-on: Leadership Coaching

The approximate time required to complete this self-paced online program is 12 hours, or 2 hours per week. Each week you will spend 1 hour completing coursework and activities, and 1 hour attending a live virtual event led by Blanchard’s leadership experts.

The virtual events are scheduled at two global-friendly time slots, so one is sure to fit your schedule. With the add on of 1 month of Leadership Coaching, you will have an additional 2 hours of phone or virtual time with an expert Blanchard leadership coach, scheduled between you and your coach, and unlimited confidential communications.

Program Details

  • Week 1: The experience begins. You will meet your peers and support team, get introduced to the mindset and skillset of a self leader, complete a Self Leader Questionnaire to understand your own perceptions, and start challenging your own assumed constraints.
  • Week 2: Focus on setting clear and compelling goals. Learn how to craft smart, motivating, attainable, relevant, and trackable goals; and how to reframe and clarify poor goal statements.
  • Week 3: Discover how to diagnose your own development level on a goal or task. Dive into development levels and get access to the SLII® mobile app to help you diagnose on the fly.
  • Week 4: Learn matching: getting the leadership style YOU need. Explore the second critical mindset: being proactive, what it looks like in practice, and why it’s important.
  • Week 5: Learn how to identify and activate your points of power. Use the One on One Worksheet to plan for a One on One Conversation with your manager.
  • Week 6: Share the results from your One on One conversation with your manager and create an action plan for committing to the mindset and skillset of a self leader.

After week 6, you can continue your journey by adding on 1 month of Leadership Coaching (2 hours of phone or virtual time with our expert coaches and unlimited confidential communications) to further reinforce your learnings, define your goals, get expert feedback, and refine your detailed accountability plan.

Individuals who have earned this badge have completed the Self Leadership Online Collaborative Course (view infographic). They have demonstrated the mindset and skillset of a proactive self-starter and took control of their own development. They have increased personal accountability by overcoming constraints that limit their ability to solve problems, assessed competence and commitment on a specific goal or task and asked for the direction and support they need to attain mastery faster.

For registration, contact your Human Invest dedicated consultant or use our contact page

CURS OPEN: Conversational Capacity® – Virtual Classroom


Programul Conversational Capacity® dezvolta abilitatile oricarui angajat de a purta conversații constructive pentru a gestiona mai bine discutiile dificile și cu potential conflictual.  In plus, managerii care stapanesc aceste conversații arata respect autentic și castiga mai multă implicare și angajament din partea celor pe care ii conduc.

Programul intareste fundatia unei culturi agile care sprijina adaptarea mai rapida la schimbare a oamenilor si a organizatiei. Capacitatea de a purta conversatii constructive ajuta la canalizarea energiei care se risipeste in interactiuni defensive si neproductive spre conversatii eficiente, care fructifica potentialul echipei in beneficiul tuturor. Fie ca e vorba de intalnirile unu-la-unu de “goal setting” intre un manager si un membru al echipei, de cele de monitorizare si coaching, de cele prin care trebuie adresata o problema sau de cele de “performance review”, de discutiile spontane intre colegi, capacitatea de a purta conversatii constructive aduce fara nicio indoiala o energie pozitiva suplimentara, crește nivelurile de implicare si angajament.

Participantii invata cum sa construiasca “zona optima pentru dialog” (“the sweet spot”), zona unde dialogul este deschis si non-defensiv, acolo unde aspectele dificile sunt abordate echilibrat si se obtin rezultate in mod productiv, ajungandu-se la cele mai bune solutii. Atunci cand nu interactionam in “zona optima” suntem influentati de factori declansatori de tipul “lupta” sau “fugi” si actionam fie comportamente pentru “a minimiza” (de exemplu: nu imi spun deschis punctul de vedere, mimez sustinerea, schimb subiectul, nu dau atentie ingrijorarilor personale sau le exprim mai tarziu, am un limbaj corporal submisiv, ma retrag si cedez, etc) sau prin comportamente pentru “a castiga” (de exemplu: incerc sa domin si sa-mi impun opinia, vreau sa arat ca am dreptate, nu ascult, resping input-ul sau feedback-ul altora, desconsider parerile celorlalti, am un limbaj corporal agresiv, etc).


  • Participantii invata sa observe cand propriile lor reactii de tip “fight-or-flight” (“lupta-sau-fugi”) provoaca insecuritate pentru cei cu care comunica, facandu-i sa nu mai asculte cu adevarat. Acest lucru ii ajuta sa gestioneze mai constient si mai responsabil conversatiile dificile pe care le au de purtat;
  • Cursul contribuie la cresterea disponibilitatii pentru explorarea unei diversitati de perspective si pentru a asculta si intelege opinii contrare, pentru ca acolo este zona cu potentialul cel mai mare pentru crestere si invatare;
  • Participantii exerseaza im acest curs patru abilitati esentiale conversatiilor constructive: doua abilitati pentru a vorbi cu adevarat deschis, transparent si doua pentru a arata curiozitate sincera. Folosirea lor potrivita creeaza zona optima pentru dialog;
  • Descarca prezentarea generala a programului (PDF): Conversational Capacity® Overview.


Cursul este impartit in 3 sesiuni de cate doua ore fiecare, conform orelor de mai jos:

  • 12 aprilie, intre orele 10.00-12.00, sesiunea 1
  • 12 aprilie, intre orele 15.00-17.00, sesiunea 2
  • 13 aprilie, intre orele 10:00-12.00, sesiunea 3


  • Manageri si angajati fara rol managerial care doresc sa-si creasca increderea, competenta si sansele de a depasi mai usor si mai bine conversatiile dificile pe care trebuie sa le poarte;
  • Manageri si angajati fara rol managerial care doresc sa obtina mai multa cooperare si mai multa sustinere in urma conversatiilor dificile pe care trebuie sa le aiba.



Descarca si completeaza Formularul de participare. Trimite-l prin e-mail la adresa sau prin fax la numarul urmator : (+4) 021 318 89 29. Fee-ul este de 250 EUR+TVA si include accesul la platforma online Blanchard Exchange pentru un an de zile.

®2020 The Ken Blanchard Companies. Human Invest este reprezentantul exclusiv al solutiilor de training The Ken Blanchard Companies in Romania.

Self Leadership Collaborative and Moderated Journey

Fully Booked!!!

Join us for this 6-week, online collaborative program to develop a self-starting mindset so you can take the reins, achieve your goals, and accelerate your development. You will learn the skillset to become an empowered self leader who is accountable, innovative, and productive.

Our Self Leadership course teaches you to become a proactive self-starter who knows how to ask for direction and support, solicit feedback, and sell your solutions. Being an empowered self leader is the key to a successful and gratifying career and delivers innate self-awareness that couldn’t be more important in today’s world.

We use spaced learning, emotional connections to your work and personal life, and opportunities to generate your own content and insights. Our approach brings Intrepid, an award-winning, innovative learning platform to help individuals learn and improve, and organizations transform and grow. Learners interact, engage, and solve problems together and with a Leadership Expert and a Community Manager.


  • Focus on Well-Being – Self leaders feel more positive about themselves and their jobs and have greater energy and less stress.
  • Increased Motivation – When self leaders proactively seek feedback, ask for input, get direction and support, and affect change, they also satisfy their psychological need for autonomy, relatedness, and competence.
  • Accelerated Development – Self leaders take control of their own development—they ask for the direction and support they need so they are able to move up the learning curve to mastery more quickly.
  • Higher Performance – Empowered self leaders are more engaged and committed, consistently work hard, and increase their performance level.
  • Personal Accountability – Self leaders don’t feel held accountable by others; they hold themselves accountable for achieving their goals.
  • Unleashed Innovation – Empowered self leaders know how to overcome challenges and constraints that limit their ability to solve problems, address challenges, and develop innovative solutions.


Your transformation happens in a collaborative, moderated class that takes place over six weeks. Self-directed learning blended with discussions, exercises, reflection, and offline assignments help you discover what you need to succeed (see here the design). You will also have the opportunity to network with your fellow learners and forge new connections. And you will receive the following tools when you take the class:

  • Self Leadership Self-Assessment
  • Self Leadership Manager Questionnaire
  • One on One Conversation Planner
  • Goals Planner
  • Conversation Starters
  • Diagnosing Reflection Tool
  • SLII® Mobile App
  • Points of Power Chart
  • Four Activation Checklists
  • Optional Add-on: Leadership Coaching

The approximate time required to complete this self-paced online program is 12 hours, or 2 hours per week. Each week you will spend 1 hour completing coursework and activities, and 1 hour attending a live virtual event led by Blanchard’s leadership experts.

The virtual events are scheduled at two global-friendly time slots, so one is sure to fit your schedule. With the add on of 1 month of Leadership Coaching, you will have an additional 2 hours of phone or virtual time with an expert Blanchard leadership coach, scheduled between you and your coach, and unlimited confidential communications.

Program Details

  • Week 1: The experience begins. You will meet your peers and support team, get introduced to the mindset and skillset of a self leader, complete a Self Leader Questionnaire to understand your own perceptions, and start challenging your own assumed constraints.
  • Week 2: Focus on setting clear and compelling goals. Learn how to craft smart, motivating, attainable, relevant, and trackable goals; and how to reframe and clarify poor goal statements.
  • Week 3: Discover how to diagnose your own development level on a goal or task. Dive into development levels and get access to the SLII® mobile app to help you diagnose on the fly.
  • Week 4: Learn matching: getting the leadership style YOU need. Explore the second critical mindset: being proactive, what it looks like in practice, and why it’s important.
  • Week 5: Learn how to identify and activate your points of power. Use the One on One Worksheet to plan for a One on One Conversation with your manager.
  • Week 6: Share the results from your One on One conversation with your manager and create an action plan for committing to the mindset and skillset of a self leader.


After week 6, you can continue your journey by adding on 1 month of Leadership Coaching (2 hours of phone or virtual time with our expert coaches and unlimited confidential communications) to further reinforce your learnings, define your goals, get expert feedback, and refine your detailed accountability plan.

Individuals who have earned this badge have completed the Self Leadership Online Collaborative Course (view infographic). They have demonstrated the mindset and skillset of a proactive self-starter and took control of their own development. They have increased personal accountability by overcoming constraints that limit their ability to solve problems, assessed competence and commitment on a specific goal or task and asked for the direction and support they need to attain mastery faster.

For registration, contact your Human Invest dedicated consultant or use our contact page

Leading for Recovery – Sa ne facem fiecare partea noastra ca lumea sa devina un loc mai bun

Andreea Stanescu este General Manager London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) Romania si ne-am cunoscut in acest an. Vocea si tonul Andreei mi-au atras atentia prin felul in care si-au lasat amprenta la deschiderea unui program de leadership construit impreuna. Am simtit in interventia ei generozitate si pragmatism, autenticitate si forta, modestie si viziune strategica. A pus aici pe hartie cateva din lectiile sale de leadership din acest an.

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Cum sa-ti conduci echipa prin incertitudinea care ne asteapta si in 2021?

*articol semnat de Viorel Panaite pentru

Cele 9 luni de lucru in context de pandemie ne-au confirmat inca o data ca umanitatea este in stare sa depaseasca incercarile prin care trece. Sigur, fiecare incercare isi cere costurile ei, dar ne ajuta sa inventam un viitor poate mai bun si sa invatam lucruri noi: oamenii se adapteaza sa traiasca chiar la o distanta sociala mai mare, invata sa lucreze de-acasa, companiile isi adapteaza produsele si serviciile, guvernele cauta activ modalitati mai bune de cooperare intre ele, si asa mai departe.

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Fiecare popor rezista, depaseste obstacole si evolueaza „pe mana lui”

*articol semnat de Viorel Panaite pentru Revista Cariere

Desi istoria se repeta constant, viitorul este mereu imprevizibil. Umanitatea are ritmul si tiparele ei, are caracteristici care ne dau speranta. Una dintre acestea este capacitatea noastra de a trece peste provocari dificile, fie ele razboaie, pandemii, crize financiare sau acte de terorism. Creativitatea si inventivitatea sunt parte din natura fiecaruia dintre noi si, intr-un fel sau altul, ne ajuta sa trecem prin furtunile care ne apar in viata.

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Leading for Recovery – Flexibilizarea muncii este pe un drum care se largeste accelerat

Horatiu Cocheci este Directorul departamentului de Consultanta in Resurse Umane al EY. Onestitatea, fair-play-ul si bunul simt sunt cuvintele cu care eu as descrie cateva din calitatile umaniste pe care le vad la Horatiu, calitati care ii completeaza gandirea lui structurata, inginereasca despre care el spune ca l-a dus spre consultanta. Cum urmareste indeaproape evolutia multor trenduri din piata muncii, l-am invitat sa ne impartaseasca cum vede el directia catre care ne uitam in aceasta zona.

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